The two
characteristics of the Native-Americans that we have chosen are:
The quest
for cultural identity(de zoektocht naar culturele identiteit)
1. Chapter 19: This chapter shows
a letter Mary wrote to her little brother. In the letter she writes: “I have a
lot of free time, so I have started to write my life story. Really! Isn’t that
crazy? I think I’m going to call it HOW TO RUN AWAY FROM YOUR HOUSE AND FIND
YOUR HOME.” This letter describes that she is still searching for her home and
cultural identity.
2. Chapter 6: This chapter shows a conversation in which he decides that he
wants to go to another school because he wasn’t happy, another identity.
Chapter 9: This chapter shows a conversation about respect to each other. He
is losing his own identity.
4. Chapter 29: In this chapter is
he talking about how he realized that he can belong to several things, but he
will always be an Indian. “I realized that, sure, I was a Spokane Indian. I
belonged to that tribe. But I also belonged to the tribe of American
immigrants. And to the tribe of basketball players. And to the tribe of
The use of
"black humour"
1. Page 57: Picture. In the
picture he compares a white person to an Indian person. White people for
example have an ergonomic backpack with cell phone while Indian people have a
glad garbage book bag.
2. Page 88: Picture. In the
picture he describes how Indian people need to travel. They don’t have enough
money for a gas for their car or public transport so they need to walk
3. Page 134: Mary writes in her
letter: “P.S. And we moved into a new house. It’s the most gorgeous place in
the world!” But in the picture underneath you see a caravan.
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